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Made from premium graded chicken, only Eu Yan Sang gives you 100% pure Essence of Chicken with no caramel added. It is suitable for consumption by all ages and at all times, and can be taken chilled or warmed everyday.
Functions of herbs:
Essence of Chicken, Red Dates (Hong Zao), Goji Berries (Gou Qi Zi), Liquorice Root (Gan Cao)
Essence of chicken is a nutritional supplement to help increase metabolic rate and reduces mental and physical fatigue. Positive changes on the Electro encephalogram (EEG) of the brain are observed, with increased of alpha and beta waves. Increase activity of these waves’ results in increased alertness and mental concentration1,2.
Chicken essence contains high levels of glutamate. Physical fatigue may be due to accumulation of ammonia, after intense exercise. Glutamate plays an important role in modulating the ammonia detoxification to urea, relieving physical fatigue2.
1. A Md Zain, SM Jamalulail. Effect of taking chicken essence on stress and cognition of human volunteers. Mal J Nut 2003, 9(1); 19-29
2. HI Lo, D Tsi, A CL Tan et al. Effects of Postexercise Supplementation of Chicken Essence on the Elimination of Exercise-Induced Plasma Lactate and Ammonia. Chi J Physiology 2005, 48(4); 187-192
Described to taste like sweet liquorice, Chinese Wolfberry has reached superfood status.