Pure Cordyceps V-Essence ( 純冬蟲夏草純液)

Item No. 888842522116

Pure Cordyceps V-Essence ( 純冬蟲夏草純液)

888842522116 - 20ml x 6 bottles
4.2 out of 5 Customer Rating

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement that contains the potent benefits of Wild Cordyceps

V-Essence, offered in liquid form, is a faster absorption formula for that additional vitality boost.

The main ingredient in Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is Hirsutella Sinensis, which is a strain of cordyceps that is proven to be 99.645% genetically identical to rare Wild Cordyceps according to rDNA sequence analysis (ITS 1, ITS 2 and 5.85rDNA).

Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence contains 3500mg of 100% Hirsutella Sinensis per bottle.

With such a close genetic similarity, Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ also contains natural bioactive compounds of high potency found in Wild Cordyceps, to help improve vitality and general health.

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ improves vitality and boosts energy by increasing ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) levels in your body

What is ATP

ATP is a high energy content molecule1 that is present in every single body cell. They can be thought of as the ‘batteries’ which store energy to carry out just about anything and everything essential for the human body to function.

From carrying out something as simple as batting an eyelid, to other complicated things like cell growth and metabolism, our body depends on ATP to carry out such tasks.

ATP runs low as we age, resulting in increased fatigue

Notice how everything slows down with age? Our energy levels are no exception. We move slower, think slower and even speak slower.

This is attributed to insufficient ATP which is a key factor in ageing2 – Either we do not make ATP as efficiently as before, or more ATP is used to carry out simple tasks that we could previously do with less effort.

Just imagine your body’s battery life slowly but steadily becoming flat! When ATP is low, energy levels drop and fatigue sets in. We feel sluggish when carrying out simple everyday tasks. Immunity is lowered and we may fall ill more easily.

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ contains the potent benefits of Wild Cordyceps that stimulates ATP production at a cellular level for sustained energy

Containing a super enzyme that is especially effective towards recharging our ATP ‘batteries’, studies have shown that oral administration - demonstrated a significant impact in raising ATP levels in various important organ tissues, such as the heart3 and liver4.

And because the ATP changes energy patterns at a cellular level, unlike the unpleasant sugar and caffeine crash you experience after the effects of coffee or energy drinks wear away, the effects are longer-lasting, which means you can enjoy a constant sustained state of vitality.

How does Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ benefit people in their overall well-being?

• Boosts energy, improves vitality and lessens fatigue
• Improves stamina and respiratory system
• Supports immune system

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence is recommended for
• People who wish to boost their immunity, improve vitality and lessen fatigue.
• Individuals with a very weak body constitution, chronic fatigue, after major operation, recovery from a serious illness.

For more information on how to use the product, click on “How to Use”


1Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenosine_triphosphate


2Hwang AB, Jeong DE, Lee SJ. Mitochondria and organismal longevity. Curr Genomics. 2012 Nov;13(7):519-32.

3Siu K. M, Mak D. H, Chiu P. Y, Poon M. K, Du Y, Ko K. M. Pharmacological basis of “Yin-nourishing” and “Yang-invigorating” actions of Cordyceps, a Chinese tonifying herb. Life Sci. 2004;76:385–95.

4Sheng Yuan Wan, Ming Shi Shiao. Pharmacological Functions of Chinese Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps Sinesis and Related Species. J.Food and Drug Analysis, 2000;8(4):248-257

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ contains Hirsutella Sinensis, the only true strain of Wild Cordyceps

The main ingredient in Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is Hirsutella Sinensis which is a strain of cordyceps that is proven to be 99.645% genetically identical to Wild Cordyceps according to rDNA sequence analysis (ITS 1, ITS 2 and 5.85rDNA).

There are over 400 species of Cordyceps worldwide, only Hirsutella Sinensis has been identified as the true strain of Wild Cordyceps – confirmed by scientist in 2001 and further recognized by the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China.

With a genetic similarity of more than 99.645% to Wild Cordyceps, Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is harvested in an optimum natural environment for cordyceps cultivation using the most advanced biotechnological processes of purification. This ensures purity, consistency and retention of high bioactive compounds of the product.

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence

  • 3500mg of 100% Cordyceps (Hirsutella Sinensis) per bottle
  • 99.645% genetic similarity to rare Wild Cordyceps
  • We base the quality and potency of Hirsutella Sinesis on the totality of the authentic cultivation conditions and breakthrough extraction methods instead of using the presence of cordycepin, cordycepic acid or polysaccharide content as indicators - which can be mimicked through adulteration


Recommended Dosage

6-12 years old

Above 12 years old/ adult


1/3 bottle daily

1/2 bottle daily


1/2 bottle daily

1 bottle daily

*Can be taken on an empty stomach. Shake well before opening. Upon opening, properly seal, refrigerate and consume within 48 hours.

Pure Cordyceps™ and Your Health

For your specific health concerns, Pure Cordyceps™ can be paired with other products to boost specific benefits. Here's how.

Boosts Energy & Lessens Fatigue

American Ginseng Tea

American Ginseng helps fight fatigue. Pair with Pure Cordyceps™ for the added fuel to keep going

American Wild Ginseng and Tian Qi capsules

Not your cup of tea? Try out our Ginseng and Tian Qi capsules

Improves Stamina and Respiratory System

Bottled Birds Nest

Regular Birds Nest intake helps moisten the lungs and balances appropriate fluid amount. Pair it with Pure Cordyceps™ to support your respiratory system

Hot/Cold Cough Powder

Helps clear the icky phlegm that's stuck within your respiratory system

Supports Immune System


Lingzhi is well known for improving immunity. Pair with Pure Cordyceps™ for the extra boost


A close relative to Lingzhi, Yunzhi's is especially recommended for recovery after surgery and therapy

The precise cultivation of Hirsutella Sinesis has proved to be challenging

Isolation and then cultivation of Hirsutella Sinensis has proved to be extremely challenging as it only grows in cold environments and at a relatively slow pace. In most instances, cultivation of Hirsutella Sinesis is unsuccessful as minor deviations in the protocols used for isolation and cultivation may lead to bacteria contamination or the culture of other fungal species which are in fact not Hirsutella Sinesis.

Pure Cordyceps™ strictly replicates the natural habitat of Wild Cordyceps to attain Pure Hirsutella Sinesis which is 99.645% genetically similar to Wild Cordyceps

Pure Cordyceps™ is fermented by strictly replicating a unique set of growth conditions that are geographically authentic to the natural habitat of Wild Cordyceps. These conditions of temperature, water quality, oxygen levels, ventilation, humidity and nutrients are tightly monitored to ensure the optimal environment for the cultivation of the Hirsutella Sinesis in Pure Cordyceps™.

By doing so, Pure Cordyceps™ has managed to obtain pure Hirsutella Sinesis, which is 99.645% genetically identical to that of Wild Cordyceps. This fact has been established by rDNA sequence analysis (ITS 1, ITS 2 and 5.85rDNA), which compares Pure Cordyceps™ to the DNA sequence stored in the global gene database.

Hirsutella sinensis genetic mapping

Unique extraction techniques of Pure Cordyceps™ preserve the activity of bioactive compounds in Hirsutella Sinensis

Hirsutella Sinensis contains a cocktail of bioactive compounds (mannitol; nucleosides; polysaccharides; dipeptides; trace elements and super enzyme), substances which are capable of creating positive biological activity in your body.

Pure Cordyceps™ uses energised, small-molecule clustered water which gently extracts yet at the same time preserving all the important components that matter.


Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps V-Essence I bought this cordyceps essence to improve my immunity. The taste is pleasant and I’ve taken for a month, will continue for another 2 months to see results. If good will definitely buy regularly to maintain my health
Date published: 2024-07-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Convenience plus effectiveness I received a box of cordycep essence from my mother in law. Tried it and found it to be effective to give me vitality. The essence is conveniently packed in small bottles, just open and drink. Easy and full of goodness I have since been buying it for my family to keep fatigue at bay
Date published: 2024-06-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Very good I've had a bad cough for a long time, but this has helped. I always bought this product.
Date published: 2024-06-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great and beneficial! Bought this for my dad’s birthday and he likes it a lot! I actually didn’t know much about these benefits but he told me this is really good for health and he instantly regain energy drinking this after he fallen sick.
Date published: 2024-06-10
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Supplement to improve lung capacity and reduce chances of cough My favourite choice of supplement to reduce chances of getting bad cough
Date published: 2024-06-01
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product - Pure Cordyceps Had been consuming this product for many years. Its help to power up my immune system.
Date published: 2024-04-14
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps essence Inusually drink pure cordyceps whenever i feel tired. Liquid form is more convenient
Date published: 2024-02-24
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps The essence makes you feel more energised. Taste is pleasant.
Date published: 2024-02-15
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best suplement to maintain overall health I bought this 2 months ago and it really helps on mantaining health on my daily full of activity routine
Date published: 2024-01-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from EYS Cordyceps is something not to miss for good health. I am glad to consume this product few weeks ago. No regrets.
Date published: 2024-01-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great products I tried this product n happy with result consume cordyceps
Date published: 2023-12-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from I love Eu Yan Sang Cordyceps Capsules This product really helps increase my body's endurance
Date published: 2023-12-16
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product ! I love this product. Because it is suitable for my body.
Date published: 2023-12-08
Rated 5 out of 5 by from The Best Suplement Akhirnya aku nemuin suplement yang mengatasi rasa lelahku sekaligus meningkatkan imun tubuh. Dan yang paling aku suka itu vegetarian friendly dan anakku juga bisa minum jadi 1 suplement untuk keluarga. Terimakasih, next order lagi disini.
Date published: 2023-11-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplemen terbaik Saya dan suami sudah konsumsi Cordyceps kapsul dari Eu Yan sang..tubuh jadi tidak mudah lelah dan Kekebalan tubuh juga lebih kuat
Date published: 2023-11-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from The best suplement Akhirnya aku udah menemukan suplement yang bagus untuk mengurangi rasa lelah dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuhku juga vegetarian friendly. Next bakal order lagi disini.
Date published: 2023-11-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplemen terbaik Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang penuh dengan aktifitas dan pastinya badan saya sering merasakan sakit dan cepat lelah. Semenjak saya konsumsi Cordyceps Eu Yan Sang ini sangat membantu saya untuk meningkatkan stamina dan mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh saya.
Date published: 2023-11-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Recommended banget ! Saya udah konsumsi botol kedua dan beneran rasakan sendiri bedanya sblm dan sesudah konsumsi cordyceps Aplg tiap hari harus bangun pagi” dan beraktivitas seharian , stlh konsumsi cordyceps jd lebih produktif, gak cpt ngantuk dan imun tubuh jd lebih meningkat juga Pokoknya cordyceps gak usah diragukan lagi deh khasiatnya 👌
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Sangatt bagus Ini bantu banget jaga imun jadi ga gampang lesu ga mudah cape juga, apalagi ini bahan alami jadi ga khawatir konsumsi rutin 🍀🍀
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Rekomendasi Aku sudah coba konsumsi produknya beberapa minggu dan manfaatnya terasa ditubuh, jadi lebih vit dan daya tahan tubuh jadi terjaga.. anakku dengan usia 5 tahun juga ikut konsumsi dan sangat aman
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplemen yang sangat bagus! Saya beli 1 bulan yang lalu dan sangat bagus untuk kesehatan saya. Terlebih saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang butuh suplemen untuk kesehatan, sangat recommended sekali..
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Sebagus itu produknya! Beruntungnya aku bisa nemuin produk cordyceps capsule ini, karna yang tadinya aku sering ngerasa kelelahan dan gampang sakit akhirnya bisa teratasi dengan rutin mengonsumsi cordyceps capsule dari eu yan sang ini. Terimakasih eu yan sang sudah menciptakan produk cordyceps capsule ini. Dan worth it untuk repurchase karna produknya sebagus itu😍
Date published: 2023-10-30
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Produk terbaik untuk keluarga aku.. Aku rutin minum cordysep eu yan sang karena sering kerja di luar rumah seharian. Dan terbukti sejak minum eu yan sang aku jarang sakit, karena menjaga daya tahan tubuh aku
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product Suka banget sama produknya, emang sesuai banget sama petunjuknya, di aku efeknya bener2 berasa. bener2 nambah stamina buat aku yg pnya 2 anak. jadi lbh berasa seger 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Manfaat produk sangat baik untuk kesehatan Saya membeli ini sebulan lalu, dan saya telah mengkonsumsinya dengan rutin. Saya merasakan perubahannya, tubuh saya penuh energi sepanjang hari tanpa lelah. Saya selalu bersemangat serta fokus dalam menjalankan aktivitas saya sehari-hari. Saya tetap bisa produktif tanpa gemetar.
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good product Saya beli cordyceps sudah dari 3 bulan lalu dan mulai merasakan khasiatnya , yang tadinya cepat lelah dan kurang semangat setiap bangun tidur, tapi suplemen dari eu yan sang sangat membantu aku menjadi berenergi gak cepet capek lagi ,happy banget karna aku cocok suplemen ini.
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplement yang bagus banget untuk daya tahan tubuh Akhirnya aku udah nemuin suplemen yang aman,halal dan sudah BPOM untuk mengatasi kelelahan dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhku. Setelah minum ini badan jadi lebih fresh dan daya tahan tubuh meningkat jadi ga gampang sakit. Next order lagi disini.
Date published: 2023-10-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Supplements Really had a great experience with consume this supplement. This is my energy booster. I am a working mom with two kids and i think i need extra energy to handle them. This pills can improves stamina and respiratory system. Also support my immune system 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Love it so much
Date published: 2023-10-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from so far so good for vitality! Try this suplemen almost 2 weeks and super love
Date published: 2023-10-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Taste well, easy to consume This help to boost my immunity! A must have for daily.
Date published: 2022-10-05
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Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is a natural health supplement that contains the potent benefits of Wild Cordyceps

V-Essence, offered in liquid form, is a faster absorption formula for that additional vitality boost.

The main ingredient in Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is Hirsutella Sinensis, which is a strain of cordyceps that is proven to be 99.645% genetically identical to rare Wild Cordyceps according to rDNA sequence analysis (ITS 1, ITS 2 and 5.85rDNA).

Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence contains 3500mg of 100% Hirsutella Sinensis per bottle.

With such a close genetic similarity, Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ also contains natural bioactive compounds of high potency found in Wild Cordyceps, to help improve vitality and general health.

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ improves vitality and boosts energy by increasing ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) levels in your body

What is ATP

ATP is a high energy content molecule1 that is present in every single body cell. They can be thought of as the ‘batteries’ which store energy to carry out just about anything and everything essential for the human body to function.

From carrying out something as simple as batting an eyelid, to other complicated things like cell growth and metabolism, our body depends on ATP to carry out such tasks.

ATP runs low as we age, resulting in increased fatigue

Notice how everything slows down with age? Our energy levels are no exception. We move slower, think slower and even speak slower.

This is attributed to insufficient ATP which is a key factor in ageing2 – Either we do not make ATP as efficiently as before, or more ATP is used to carry out simple tasks that we could previously do with less effort.

Just imagine your body’s battery life slowly but steadily becoming flat! When ATP is low, energy levels drop and fatigue sets in. We feel sluggish when carrying out simple everyday tasks. Immunity is lowered and we may fall ill more easily.

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ contains the potent benefits of Wild Cordyceps that stimulates ATP production at a cellular level for sustained energy

Containing a super enzyme that is especially effective towards recharging our ATP ‘batteries’, studies have shown that oral administration - demonstrated a significant impact in raising ATP levels in various important organ tissues, such as the heart3 and liver4.

And because the ATP changes energy patterns at a cellular level, unlike the unpleasant sugar and caffeine crash you experience after the effects of coffee or energy drinks wear away, the effects are longer-lasting, which means you can enjoy a constant sustained state of vitality.

How does Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ benefit people in their overall well-being?

• Boosts energy, improves vitality and lessens fatigue
• Improves stamina and respiratory system
• Supports immune system

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence is recommended for
• People who wish to boost their immunity, improve vitality and lessen fatigue.
• Individuals with a very weak body constitution, chronic fatigue, after major operation, recovery from a serious illness.

For more information on how to use the product, click on “How to Use”


1Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenosine_triphosphate


2Hwang AB, Jeong DE, Lee SJ. Mitochondria and organismal longevity. Curr Genomics. 2012 Nov;13(7):519-32.

3Siu K. M, Mak D. H, Chiu P. Y, Poon M. K, Du Y, Ko K. M. Pharmacological basis of “Yin-nourishing” and “Yang-invigorating” actions of Cordyceps, a Chinese tonifying herb. Life Sci. 2004;76:385–95.

4Sheng Yuan Wan, Ming Shi Shiao. Pharmacological Functions of Chinese Medicinal Fungus Cordyceps Sinesis and Related Species. J.Food and Drug Analysis, 2000;8(4):248-257

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ contains Hirsutella Sinensis, the only true strain of Wild Cordyceps

The main ingredient in Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is Hirsutella Sinensis which is a strain of cordyceps that is proven to be 99.645% genetically identical to Wild Cordyceps according to rDNA sequence analysis (ITS 1, ITS 2 and 5.85rDNA).

There are over 400 species of Cordyceps worldwide, only Hirsutella Sinensis has been identified as the true strain of Wild Cordyceps – confirmed by scientist in 2001 and further recognized by the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China.

With a genetic similarity of more than 99.645% to Wild Cordyceps, Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ is harvested in an optimum natural environment for cordyceps cultivation using the most advanced biotechnological processes of purification. This ensures purity, consistency and retention of high bioactive compounds of the product.

Eu Yan Sang Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence

  • 3500mg of 100% Cordyceps (Hirsutella Sinensis) per bottle
  • 99.645% genetic similarity to rare Wild Cordyceps
  • We base the quality and potency of Hirsutella Sinesis on the totality of the authentic cultivation conditions and breakthrough extraction methods instead of using the presence of cordycepin, cordycepic acid or polysaccharide content as indicators - which can be mimicked through adulteration


Recommended Dosage

6-12 years old

Above 12 years old/ adult


1/3 bottle daily

1/2 bottle daily


1/2 bottle daily

1 bottle daily

*Can be taken on an empty stomach. Shake well before opening. Upon opening, properly seal, refrigerate and consume within 48 hours.

Pure Cordyceps™ and Your Health

For your specific health concerns, Pure Cordyceps™ can be paired with other products to boost specific benefits. Here's how.

Boosts Energy & Lessens Fatigue

American Ginseng Tea

American Ginseng helps fight fatigue. Pair with Pure Cordyceps™ for the added fuel to keep going

American Wild Ginseng and Tian Qi capsules

Not your cup of tea? Try out our Ginseng and Tian Qi capsules

Improves Stamina and Respiratory System

Bottled Birds Nest

Regular Birds Nest intake helps moisten the lungs and balances appropriate fluid amount. Pair it with Pure Cordyceps™ to support your respiratory system

Hot/Cold Cough Powder

Helps clear the icky phlegm that's stuck within your respiratory system

Supports Immune System


Lingzhi is well known for improving immunity. Pair with Pure Cordyceps™ for the extra boost


A close relative to Lingzhi, Yunzhi's is especially recommended for recovery after surgery and therapy

The precise cultivation of Hirsutella Sinesis has proved to be challenging

Isolation and then cultivation of Hirsutella Sinensis has proved to be extremely challenging as it only grows in cold environments and at a relatively slow pace. In most instances, cultivation of Hirsutella Sinesis is unsuccessful as minor deviations in the protocols used for isolation and cultivation may lead to bacteria contamination or the culture of other fungal species which are in fact not Hirsutella Sinesis.

Pure Cordyceps™ strictly replicates the natural habitat of Wild Cordyceps to attain Pure Hirsutella Sinesis which is 99.645% genetically similar to Wild Cordyceps

Pure Cordyceps™ is fermented by strictly replicating a unique set of growth conditions that are geographically authentic to the natural habitat of Wild Cordyceps. These conditions of temperature, water quality, oxygen levels, ventilation, humidity and nutrients are tightly monitored to ensure the optimal environment for the cultivation of the Hirsutella Sinesis in Pure Cordyceps™.

By doing so, Pure Cordyceps™ has managed to obtain pure Hirsutella Sinesis, which is 99.645% genetically identical to that of Wild Cordyceps. This fact has been established by rDNA sequence analysis (ITS 1, ITS 2 and 5.85rDNA), which compares Pure Cordyceps™ to the DNA sequence stored in the global gene database.

Hirsutella sinensis genetic mapping

Unique extraction techniques of Pure Cordyceps™ preserve the activity of bioactive compounds in Hirsutella Sinensis

Hirsutella Sinensis contains a cocktail of bioactive compounds (mannitol; nucleosides; polysaccharides; dipeptides; trace elements and super enzyme), substances which are capable of creating positive biological activity in your body.

Pure Cordyceps™ uses energised, small-molecule clustered water which gently extracts yet at the same time preserving all the important components that matter.


Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps V-Essence I bought this cordyceps essence to improve my immunity. The taste is pleasant and I’ve taken for a month, will continue for another 2 months to see results. If good will definitely buy regularly to maintain my health
Date published: 2024-07-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Convenience plus effectiveness I received a box of cordycep essence from my mother in law. Tried it and found it to be effective to give me vitality. The essence is conveniently packed in small bottles, just open and drink. Easy and full of goodness I have since been buying it for my family to keep fatigue at bay
Date published: 2024-06-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Very good I've had a bad cough for a long time, but this has helped. I always bought this product.
Date published: 2024-06-27
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great and beneficial! Bought this for my dad’s birthday and he likes it a lot! I actually didn’t know much about these benefits but he told me this is really good for health and he instantly regain energy drinking this after he fallen sick.
Date published: 2024-06-10
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Supplement to improve lung capacity and reduce chances of cough My favourite choice of supplement to reduce chances of getting bad cough
Date published: 2024-06-01
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product - Pure Cordyceps Had been consuming this product for many years. Its help to power up my immune system.
Date published: 2024-04-14
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure cordyceps essence Inusually drink pure cordyceps whenever i feel tired. Liquid form is more convenient
Date published: 2024-02-24
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Pure Cordyceps The essence makes you feel more energised. Taste is pleasant.
Date published: 2024-02-15
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Best suplement to maintain overall health I bought this 2 months ago and it really helps on mantaining health on my daily full of activity routine
Date published: 2024-01-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from EYS Cordyceps is something not to miss for good health. I am glad to consume this product few weeks ago. No regrets.
Date published: 2024-01-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great products I tried this product n happy with result consume cordyceps
Date published: 2023-12-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from I love Eu Yan Sang Cordyceps Capsules This product really helps increase my body's endurance
Date published: 2023-12-16
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product ! I love this product. Because it is suitable for my body.
Date published: 2023-12-08
Rated 5 out of 5 by from The Best Suplement Akhirnya aku nemuin suplement yang mengatasi rasa lelahku sekaligus meningkatkan imun tubuh. Dan yang paling aku suka itu vegetarian friendly dan anakku juga bisa minum jadi 1 suplement untuk keluarga. Terimakasih, next order lagi disini.
Date published: 2023-11-19
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplemen terbaik Saya dan suami sudah konsumsi Cordyceps kapsul dari Eu Yan sang..tubuh jadi tidak mudah lelah dan Kekebalan tubuh juga lebih kuat
Date published: 2023-11-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from The best suplement Akhirnya aku udah menemukan suplement yang bagus untuk mengurangi rasa lelah dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuhku juga vegetarian friendly. Next bakal order lagi disini.
Date published: 2023-11-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplemen terbaik Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang penuh dengan aktifitas dan pastinya badan saya sering merasakan sakit dan cepat lelah. Semenjak saya konsumsi Cordyceps Eu Yan Sang ini sangat membantu saya untuk meningkatkan stamina dan mendukung sistem kekebalan tubuh saya.
Date published: 2023-11-03
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Recommended banget ! Saya udah konsumsi botol kedua dan beneran rasakan sendiri bedanya sblm dan sesudah konsumsi cordyceps Aplg tiap hari harus bangun pagi” dan beraktivitas seharian , stlh konsumsi cordyceps jd lebih produktif, gak cpt ngantuk dan imun tubuh jd lebih meningkat juga Pokoknya cordyceps gak usah diragukan lagi deh khasiatnya 👌
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Sangatt bagus Ini bantu banget jaga imun jadi ga gampang lesu ga mudah cape juga, apalagi ini bahan alami jadi ga khawatir konsumsi rutin 🍀🍀
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Rekomendasi Aku sudah coba konsumsi produknya beberapa minggu dan manfaatnya terasa ditubuh, jadi lebih vit dan daya tahan tubuh jadi terjaga.. anakku dengan usia 5 tahun juga ikut konsumsi dan sangat aman
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplemen yang sangat bagus! Saya beli 1 bulan yang lalu dan sangat bagus untuk kesehatan saya. Terlebih saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang butuh suplemen untuk kesehatan, sangat recommended sekali..
Date published: 2023-10-31
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Sebagus itu produknya! Beruntungnya aku bisa nemuin produk cordyceps capsule ini, karna yang tadinya aku sering ngerasa kelelahan dan gampang sakit akhirnya bisa teratasi dengan rutin mengonsumsi cordyceps capsule dari eu yan sang ini. Terimakasih eu yan sang sudah menciptakan produk cordyceps capsule ini. Dan worth it untuk repurchase karna produknya sebagus itu😍
Date published: 2023-10-30
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Produk terbaik untuk keluarga aku.. Aku rutin minum cordysep eu yan sang karena sering kerja di luar rumah seharian. Dan terbukti sejak minum eu yan sang aku jarang sakit, karena menjaga daya tahan tubuh aku
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Product Suka banget sama produknya, emang sesuai banget sama petunjuknya, di aku efeknya bener2 berasa. bener2 nambah stamina buat aku yg pnya 2 anak. jadi lbh berasa seger 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Manfaat produk sangat baik untuk kesehatan Saya membeli ini sebulan lalu, dan saya telah mengkonsumsinya dengan rutin. Saya merasakan perubahannya, tubuh saya penuh energi sepanjang hari tanpa lelah. Saya selalu bersemangat serta fokus dalam menjalankan aktivitas saya sehari-hari. Saya tetap bisa produktif tanpa gemetar.
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Good product Saya beli cordyceps sudah dari 3 bulan lalu dan mulai merasakan khasiatnya , yang tadinya cepat lelah dan kurang semangat setiap bangun tidur, tapi suplemen dari eu yan sang sangat membantu aku menjadi berenergi gak cepet capek lagi ,happy banget karna aku cocok suplemen ini.
Date published: 2023-10-29
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Suplement yang bagus banget untuk daya tahan tubuh Akhirnya aku udah nemuin suplemen yang aman,halal dan sudah BPOM untuk mengatasi kelelahan dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhku. Setelah minum ini badan jadi lebih fresh dan daya tahan tubuh meningkat jadi ga gampang sakit. Next order lagi disini.
Date published: 2023-10-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great Supplements Really had a great experience with consume this supplement. This is my energy booster. I am a working mom with two kids and i think i need extra energy to handle them. This pills can improves stamina and respiratory system. Also support my immune system 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Love it so much
Date published: 2023-10-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from so far so good for vitality! Try this suplemen almost 2 weeks and super love
Date published: 2023-10-25
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Taste well, easy to consume This help to boost my immunity! A must have for daily.
Date published: 2022-10-05
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Pure Cordyceps™ V-Essence contains 3500mg of 100% Hirsutella Sinensis per bottle for that additional vitality boost.

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