Many parents are turning to TCM to treat childhood ailments and boost immunity. We bust some of the myths about this proactive approach to pediat
Your child has caught a cold, or perhaps the flu, and the cough that has come with it is leaving both him and you exhausted. Here’s how TCM can h
Restless sleep, nightmares and night terrors can be distressing for both children and their parents. Here’s how TCM can help you and your child g
When warm yang forces overwhelm the cold yin forces in the body, a child becomes ‘heaty’, making him irritable and ill. Why does this happen and
Tummy aches, a bloated belly, and colicky crying could all be signs that your child is suffering from indigestion. TCM can help provide relief.
Skin problems like infant acne and childhood eczema can be distressing for both children and their parents. Find out how TCM can help
How can parents use TCM to pro-actively boost immunity and keep young children well?